Advanced demo

../_images/advanced1.png ../_images/advanced2.png ../_images/advanced3.png
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright © 2009 Pierre Raybaut
# Licensed under the terms of the MIT License
# (see for details)

Simple formlayout example

Please take a look at for more examples
(at the end of the script, after the 'if __name__ == "__main__":' line)

import datetime
# for normal usage
from formlayout import fedit
# for programming usage
from formlayout import QLineEdit

def create_datalist_example():
    test = [('str *', 'this is a string'),
            ('n str', 'this is a string'), # Line edit with a count field (spin box)
                                           # Example: shopping list of undetermined items
            ('str_m *', """this is a 
            ('file *', 'file'),
            ('list *', [0, '1', '3', '4']),
            ('n list', [0, '1', '3', '4']), # Combo box with a count field (spin box)
                                            # Example: shopping list of selected items
                                            # (3 jeans, 11 T-shirts, ...)
            ('tuple *', (0, '1', '3', '4')),
            ('bool list', ['0b110', '1', '3', '4']),
            ('list2', ['--', ('none', 'None'), ('--', 'Dashed'),
                       ('-.', 'DashDot'), ('-', 'Solid'),
                       ('steps', 'Steps'), (':', 'Dotted')]),
            ('float', 1.2),
            (None, [('fi&rst', first_function), ('s&econd', second_function)]),
            (None, 'Other:'),
            ('slider to 30 at 20 with ticks', 'slider:30:@20'),
            ('slider from -100 to 50 at -10', 'slider:-100:50@-10'),
            ('int', 12),
            ('font', ('Arial', 10, False, True)),
            ('color', '#123409'),
            ('bool', True),
            ('calendar with grid', 'calendarM:1980,12,31:1982,1,1:@1981,9,20'),
            ('date',, 10, 10)),
            ('time', datetime.time(12, 30)),
            ('datetime', datetime.datetime(2010, 10, 10)),
    return test
def create_datagroup_example():
    datalist = create_datalist_example()
    return ((datalist, "Category 1", "Category 1 comment"),
            (datalist, "Category 2", "Category 2 comment"),
            (datalist, "Category 3", "Category 3 comment"))

def apply_function(result, widgets):
    print('result:', result)
    print('widgets:', widgets)
    for widget in widgets:
        if isinstance(widget, QLineEdit) and not widget.validator():
            widget.setText(widget.text() + ' Apply !')

def first_function(result, widgets):
    print('result:', result)
    print('widgets:', widgets)
    for widget in widgets:
        if isinstance(widget, QLineEdit) and not widget.validator():
            widget.setText(widget.text() + ' First !')

def second_function(result, widgets):
    print('result:', result)
    print('widgets:', widgets)
    for widget in widgets:
        if isinstance(widget, QLineEdit) and not widget.validator():
            widget.setText(widget.text() + ' Second !')

#--------- datalist example
datalist = create_datalist_example()
print("result:", fedit(datalist, title="Example",
                       comment="This is just an <b>example</b>.",
                       apply=('Custom &Apply button', apply_function),
                       ok='Custom &OK button',
                       cancel='Custom &Cancel button',

#--------- datagroup example
datagroup = create_datagroup_example()
print("result:", fedit(datagroup, "Global title", result='JSON',
                       background_color='#000000', widget_color='#ffff7f'))

#--------- datagroup inside a datagroup example
datalist = create_datalist_example()
datagroup = create_datagroup_example()
print("result:", fedit(((datagroup, "Title 1", "Tab 1 comment"),
                        (datalist, "Title 2", "Tab 2 comment"),
                        (datalist, "Title 3", "Tab 3 comment")),
                        "Global title", result='XML'))